
new painting - that pink sky night, yosemite - finito!

  that pink sky night, yosemite
  60" x 65"
  acrylic, gouache, ink on raw canvas

that pink sky night, yosemite:

it was that pink sky night.
we were in yosemite. 
there was an end of summer kind of sunset.

it was when the deer with fuzzy antlers were all over the place. they walked through the park crosswalks, on the streets, and between the slowing traffic. they had no fear. our friend said, "deer in velvet!" and that sounded to me like the name of a band or something -- i had never heard the phrase. deer in velvet: when a highly vascular, velvety looking skin covers a deer's antlers as they grow, providing oxygen and nutrients to the growing bone. once the antlers reach full size, the velvet is shed, the bone dies, and the dead bone structure becomes the mature antlers. 

it was that time we saw the deer in velvet. 
when we wanted more. 
when we were hoping for a bear.

studio view + details:




that pink sky night, yosemite is the first finished painting in a new series of work based on personal memories. there will be more paintings inspired by that pink sky night, and there is a studio full of works in progress that include palm trees, pools, plants, highways, and some people, too. 

more, soon!

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